
肉身的重量 The Weight of the Flesh




对谈开场时我简单介绍了1956年以来人工智能的发展、停滞和近年的热潮。开一点玩笑,用 “有一个男人叫马家辉”为提示词,想象AI可能生成怎样的小说?怎样的图像和视频?但是,无论怎么生成,都不如作家自己现身说法。香港三部曲的《龙头凤尾》、《鸳鸯六七四》已经出版,进行中的《双天至尊》肯定也是亲力完成(AI一边凉快去)。

马老师用了很传神的形容:写作时的狼狗时光(The hour between dog and wolf)。清晨或是傍晚,天色朦胧,视线模糊,远方朝我们走来的,是危险的狼?还是可爱的狗?不确定又提心吊胆。写作的困难、挣扎、痛苦,化为文字表达以后的满足和喜悦。这独自煎熬的过程,AI不会懂得,用AI写作也不会经历。










我起初用中文提示,要求生成“肉身的重量”的图像。Copilot回应:有些文字会遭到自动封锁,所以不能完成。于是我改成英语的“The Weight of the Flesh ,仍然一样。到底是哪个文字涉及敏感而受阻?接着我改成同主题抽象化的图像,才有了“充满筋肉的人体”背负另一个“充满筋肉的人体”的画面。类似的“充满筋肉的人体“也生成于GerminiChatGPT。似乎对于AI, “肉身”的意思就是躯体,图像直接转译了文字。

而我们知道的“肉身的重量”,指的是“道成肉身”,是整体的生命情境,很难图像化。即使前文举的《道德经》的例子,谈的还是不限于躯体。这使我更加理解马老师在谈话结束前引用维特根斯坦的话:“语言的边界就是世界的边界。”至少目前,AI 对象征和概括性的语言认识还在某种边界,我心头的重量,稍稍可以释怀了。




The original title of this article was supposed to be "Even AI Fears MA Ka Fai." Later on, I thought that such an "arrogant" title should be reserved for Prof Ma himself to write.

"When AI Comes, What Should Writers Do?" poses a pseudo-problem for Prof Ma. Having started writing columns at 17 and continuing prolifically for over 40 years, how could a seasoned professional writer worry about artificial intelligence being too powerful and threatening their creativity?

At the beginning of our conversation, I briefly introduced the development, stagnation, and recent surge of artificial intelligence since 1956. I made a light joke by using the prompt "There is a man named MA Ka Fai," imagining what kind of novel, image, and video AI could generate. However, no matter what it generates, it couldn't compare to the writer speaking for himself. Prof Ma's Hong Kong Trilogy, with published works "Dragon Head, Phoenix Tail" and "Mandarin Duck 674," and the ongoing "Supreme Dual Heaven," are certainly completed with personal effort (AI can cool off on the side).

Prof Ma used a vivid description: the hour between dog and wolf. Is it a dangerous wolf or a lovable dog approaching us in the dim light of dawn or dusk, when vision is blurred? The uncertainty keeps us on edge. The difficulties, struggles, and pains of writing, once transformed into written words, bring satisfaction and joy. This torturous process is something AI cannot understand, and using AI to write won't experience this.

Diligent writers are certainly serious readers too. Thus, the topic naturally shifted to "When AI Comes, What Should Readers Do?" I mentioned that AI quickly generates strings of text, which could either be pearls or trash, requiring readers' discernment.

Prof Ma said: If we are to read seriously, Qian Zhongshu's saying "If you enjoy an egg, why need to meet the hen that laid it?" must be discounted—if we've enjoyed a great literary work, how can we easily pass up knowing about the creator? Their growth process, writing background, life experiences... all these are factoring that nurture and ferment the work. The decades of love upheld by the male protagonist in Gabriel García Márquez's novel "Love in the Time of Cholera," the physical descriptions before and after the affair between Eileen Chang and Hu Lancheng, these are not something an AI without origin can fabricate out of thin air.

Through their works, authors convey values, the joys of life, the fear of death, and establish a tacit connection with readers. AI lacks a history of growth; we don't know how old it is, and its generated works feel like emotional fraud!

Ultimately, AI lacks the weight of a physical body. AI will not die.

I think: The physical body carries joy, anger, sorrow, love, evil desires; it carries cleverness and foolishness; it carries birth, aging, sickness, and death.

The physical body is transient, changing as described in Buddhism's "formation, existence, destruction, emptiness."

As Laozi said in the "Tao Te Ching": "The reason I have great trouble is that I have a body. When I no longer have a body, what troubles will I have?" All sensory perceptions, stimulated by external objects and internal thoughts, provoke our desires, emotions, and thoughts. As Schopenhauer lamented: Life is but a mass of desires, which become boring when satisfied and painful when not. Life swings like a pendulum between pain and boredom. This is the "great trouble" Laozi pointed out. Not treating the physical body as the only serious matter; or rather, having a body without clinging to it, reaching a state of "bodylessness," thus having no "troubles."

AI, being bodiless and trouble-free, while humans invent and train it to become an intelligent agent, still leaves humans with a body full of troubles. Yet it is this weight of the flesh that lets us live clearly and plainly.

Preparing to conclude this article, I had AI generate illustrations, and an interesting phenomenon occurred.

I initially used the Chinese prompt to generate images of "the weight of the flesh." Copilot responded: Some texts are automatically blocked, so it couldn't complete the task”. So, I switched to the English "The Weight of the Flesh," but the result was the same. What exactly is sensitive and blocked? I then changed to an abstract theme of the same topic, and finally got an image of "a muscular human body" carrying another "muscular human body." Similar "muscular human body" images also generated from Germini and ChatGPT. It seems that for AI, "flesh" means the body, directly translating the text.

Yet what we know as "the weight of the flesh," referring to "the Word became flesh," signifies the overall life situation, difficult to visualize. Even the example from the "Tao Te Ching" discussed earlier is not limited to the physical body. This deepens my understanding of Prof Ma's reference to Wittgenstein at the end of our conversation: "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." At least for now, AI's recognition of symbolic and abstract language remains bounded, slightly easing the weight on my mind.


April 27, 2024, 'Shang Shan Ruo Shui' The highest goodness is like watercolumn, Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore."


Text and Image Studies song


AI来了,作家怎么办?AI is Coming, What Should Writers Do?



两本书的写作目的和性质截然不同。《AIGC文图学》是8月新学期的新开课程参考书,用文图学的方法论和视角来谈人工智能生成内容(AI Generated Content)。包括如何使用人工智能助手,下指令自动生成文字、图像、音频和视频,对生成的文本进行评价。这些AI生成的文本,已经逐渐渗透进我们的日常生活,影响职业技能、伦理道德、产权法规、乃至国际秩序等等。



如同去年在新加坡美术馆,看了展览“Proof of Personhood: Identity and Authenticity in the Face of Artificial Intelligence”(人格的证明:面对人工智能的身份和真实性),有观众在墙上贴了便条纸张说:“怎么证明我是人?我哭,我感到我的身体,我饿。”


1956年,在达特茅斯会议(Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence)上,约翰·麦卡锡(John McCarthy, 1927-2011)首次提出了“Artificial IntelligenceAI,人工智能)”这个词,标志着AI作为一个独立研究领域的诞生。1980年代的专家系统和1990年代的深度学习机制推动了进展缓慢,几经停顿的AI研究。



202211月智能聊天机器人ChatGPT公诸于世,马上吸引了全球的关注。短短两个月,用户就达到一亿,打破在此之前,花了九个月达到一亿用户的TiK ToK

AI来了,作家怎么办?读者又能怎么读?419日下午3点半,欢迎到南洋理工大学的地标建筑The Hive,听知名作家马家辉教授和我,一起来聊聊我们的经验和思考。


On April 2nd, I signed contracts for two books on the same day. One is titled Text and Image Studies on AIGC: The Productivity in the Age of Humanity 3.0, which will be published in Beijing. The other is The First Encounter with Su Dongpo, to be published in Shanghai.

The purposes and natures of these two books are distinctly different. ' Text and Image Studies on AIGC ' is a reference book for a new course beginning in the August semester, discussing Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) from the perspective of text and image studies. It covers how to use AI assistants to automatically generate text, images, audio, and video, and how to evaluate the generated content. This AI-generated content has increasingly permeated our daily lives, affecting professional skills, ethics, property laws, and even international order.

'The First Encounter with Su Dongpo' was a writing task I took on temporarily, not planned for this year. Incorporating autobiographical memories, I narrate my life journey intertwined with ten encounters with Su Dongpo, the inspirations and insights gained, and the freshness of each encounter through his classic works. Sometimes, I work on both books in a single day, caught between a nostalgia-filled 'yesterday' and a critically logical mindset.

Diving into the swimming pool, moving my arms and legs, helps alleviate the soreness from long hours of writing. Occasionally, I hold my breath amidst the jumbled thoughts in my mind, almost forgetting to breathe until instinctively breaking the surface for air. Seeing the coconut trees around the pool, I take a deep breath and dive back in. Working mechanically, the fatigue and irritability remind me that I am, after all, human.

Like last year at the Singapore Art Museum during the 'Proof of Personhood: Identity and Authenticity in the Face of Artificial Intelligence' exhibit, a note on the wall read, 'How do I prove I'm human? I cry, I feel my body, I get hungry.'

How do you prove you're human? Nowadays, many websites ask us to identify images, move sliders, and calculate numbers to prove our humanity. In the AI era, distinguishing between reality and virtuality, and between 'human brain' and 'artificial brain' becomes increasingly challenging. Perhaps as AI further integrates into our lives, these distinctions will become irrelevant.

In 1956, at the Dartmouth Conference, John McCarthy first coined 'Artificial Intelligence,' marking the birth of AI as an independent field of study. The development of expert systems in the 1980s and deep learning mechanisms in the 1990s slowly advanced AI research, which had seen several halts.

In 2011, Apple introduced Siri, a voice assistant responsive to user queries. By 2014, simple chatbots began assisting with text output. The following year, 'Tencent Finance' started using AI in news reporting. In 2016, Google's AlphaGo defeated the world Go champion Lee Sedol. You might wonder, what use do I have for training an AI to play Go?

Also in 2016, Tsinghua University in Beijing developed a robot named 'Weiwei' capable of composing classical poetry. In 2017, the first Chinese vernacular poetry collection generated by Microsoft's AI 'Xiaoice(Xiaobing)' was published. You might think, I expected AI to handle manual tasks like cooking and cleaning. Now, AI is engaging in creative tasks, composing poetry and becoming a poet.

In November 2022, the intelligent chatbot ChatGPT was released, quickly drawing global attention. Within just two months, it reached 100 million users, surpassing the nine months it took TiK ToK to reach the same milestone.

AI is here, so what should writers do? How should readers engage? On April 19th at 3:30 PM, join me and the renowned writer Professor MA Ka Fai at The Hive, a landmark building at Nanyang Technological University, to discuss our experiences and thoughts.


April 13, 2024, 'Shang Shan Ruo Shui' The highest goodness is like watercolumn, Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore."